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Well, it’s been a busy old time in the Number Plate industry in recent weeks. And we now have some Major Number Plate News straight from the Government. So for those of you who aren’t currently in the know, here’s a summary of what’s been happening:

BSAU 145e Standard

First up is the news that you can supply BSAU 145e number plates from 1st January 2021. For those not yet ready for the new standard, you can still supply 145d plates until the 31st August. Of course the new standard makes a lot of change to your plate templates. So full details on how we intend to implement upgrades will be confirmed in the next few months.
BSAU145e Is Coming
But in the meantime, the main changes to note are as follows:

  • Single colour bottom line only – Text/Logo (max height 10mm).
  • Solid black registrations only – No 3D, Hi-Line or Carbon effects.
  • A 7mm isolation area between registration and any other element.
  • A 10mm gap between the registration and coach-line.
  • A 11mm gap between the registration and edge of plate.

We will contact all our customers in the new year about changes to pre-printed media. Which means you can start supply the latest standard as soon as you’re ready. In the meantime you can continue to make your plates as normal.

GB Euro Badges & Stickers

Another change we all expected is the loss of the GB Euro Side Badge. As a result from the 1st January 2021 you can no longer supply plates with it. This was inevitable in our opinion, what with Brexit ending.

At least drivers will not have to replace existing Euro plates made prior to 2021. But to drive within the EU in future, we will need to display a separate UK Sticker. Yet there is talk of allowing GB Union side badges to replace the Euro stars. Again we’ll keep you up to date, when we know more.

Visit the BNMA Website for more information: GB EU Badge Article.