Enter a Registration

When building a number plate or using a template in our LG Plates software, you’ll need to Enter a Registration number. This knowledge base article provides a simple guide on how to do this.

To design a number plate, just make your way through the plate builder. Setting up each element one by one, before you save it or print it out. This article starts with the first item, the registration.

Plates Builder – The Registration

The Plates Builder houses all the elements and options needed to design number plates. This includes those used to enter a registration number or mark. Below the Plate Size drop down, is the large text field used for the Registration. As indicated the picture below.
LG Plates - Registration Field

Enter a Registration

LG Plates - Enter A Registration

Type or paste in your registration

Whether you are using your template or starting a new design, the process is the same. You simply type or paste the registration into the text field box. The software will automatically include a space in the correct place based on the registration format and the last random three letters. And it will select the correct font size and spacing based on the chosen plate size.

As you can see in the image above, the plate preview is updated showing the registration. But if you enter multiple registrations, only the first one is shown on the preview.

Registration Validation

LG Plates - Registration Validation

Our software includes format validation

LG Plates includes checks on the Validation of Registrations entered. Our software will check to ensure any entered registration meets a recognised format. Any incorrect digits or format will be spotted and listed in the notification box, as shown in image below. And an alert message will pop-up if you try to print a plate design with errors.

This built in software validation helps to ensure your number plates are standards compliant. It also works with the settings that handles the size and spacing of the registration. And the controls for all the other elements, ensure plate legality.

Bulk Printing

LG Plates - Bulk Printing Registrations

Simply comma separate bulk registrations

To bulk print number plates in LG Plates, simply enter each registration and then comma separate them. But please note, all these number plates will share the same design. Only use this method for plates sharing the same design.

After entering the registration number you can move on to setting up the other plate elements. Next up is the bottom tag line for the supplier.